Hunting for White Heads |
![]() He also gave a regular course in hatred of whites, which came to be known as the Killing Class. "How many of you would bring back a white head?" he would ask, and everyone would raise his hand. He would then shout, "One day, Yahweh is going to kill the white devil off the planet. We're going to catch him and we're going to kill him wherever we find him. All over America, white heads are going to roll!" A number of Yahweh sect members were ordered by Mr. Mitchell to seek out and kill white devils -- and they did as they were told. Robert Rozier, a former Yahweh sect member and onetime professional football player, testified in January 1992 that he killed three "white devils" on instructions from Mr. Mitchell. It made no difference whom he killed as long as his victims were white. The first two "white devils" were Mr. Rozier's roommates. However, Mr. Mitchell would not acknowledge these killings because Mr. Rozier failed to bring back the heads as proof. When it was pointed out that it was awkward to be seen walking about Miami with a human head, Mr. Mitchell relaxed the requirements and said he would be satisfied with an ear. Mr. Rozier took to riding the subways with a twelve-inch sword, looking for "white devils" to kill. When he finally got his man, he brought back an ear as a trophy. All told, members of the sect appear to have killed at least seven different "white devils," beginning in 1986, and ears or fingers were usually brought in as proof of mission accomplished. Sect members also killed several blacks, but they were apostates and other sworn enemies. The sect killed white people out of pure racial hatred. Miami police were reportedly hesitant to pursue these crimes for fear that they would be accused of racial and religious persecution. And, in fact, that is precisely the argument the defense attorney and former judge Alcee Hastings tried to make. In May 1992, a jury found Mr. Mitchell guilty of conspiracy to commit murder. Needless to say, there would be a coast-to-coast media din of unprecedented proportions if a white group were discovered to have engaged in ritual murder and mutilation of blacks. In fact, the Yahweh trial ran concurrently with the trial of the Los Angeles policemen who were videotaped beating Rodney King. Mr. King's name was constantly in the news and practically a household name; few outside of Miami had heard of the Yahweh cult.
Jared Taylor, Paved with Good Intentions: The Failure of Race Relations in Contemporary America (New York: Carroll & Graff Publishers, 1992), 90-91. |