Background to Treason: A Brief History of U.S. Policy in the Middle EastNational Vanguard |
Part 3: From 1933 to the Second World
War [1]
The time called for strong White leadership. The largest White nation on earth was prostrate under the heel of a Jew-inspired and still largely Jew-staffed terror-regime of extraordinary virulence and expansionist propensity. [2] In the 14 years of its existence the Jewish-Bolshevik regime in the Soviet Union had murdered some 20 million Russians and Ukrainians. In 1932-33 alone 5½ million anti-Bolshevik farmers and members of their families were exterminated in an artificial famine; while the commissars and the urban rabble on whom they depended for support dined well, armed Bolshevik gangs confiscated the crops and livestock of farmers who had resisted collectivization and left them to starve. [3] From the beginning the Bolsheviks had sated their bloodlust by butchering the best of the Russians: the most intelligent, the most successful, the most resourceful, the most independent, the purest and most valuable racially. They had virtually decapitated the Russian nation, selectively killing off those most likely to oppose their own rule. And they had shown the same tendency wherever they had temporarily gained the upper hand, as in the Marxist regimes of Bela Kun in Hungary and Kurt Eisner in Bavaria. [4] In the years since the end of the First World War the Jewish hold on the media of popular culture and public opinion, both in America and Europe, had tightened. During the same period the Jews had greatly increased their infiltration of educational institutions and the churches, labor unions and political parties. They were turning all of these institutions to their own purposes, leaving the host society less and less able to deal with its own problems and advance its own ends. And new problems were certainly brewing, not only in the Middle East, but also in Europe. In addition to the growing Bolshevik menace, there were other seeds of conflict which had been sown by the last war and by the disastrous treaty which followed it, and they were beginning to sprout. A White champion was needed to crush Jewish Bolshevism wherever it had taken root; to extirpate the carriers of the Bolshevik virus; to free the news and entertainment media everywhere from Jewish control; to purge from the White consciousness the spiritual and cultural poison which already had been injected under that control; to raise from the dust the banner of White racial idealism and hold it aloft as a rallying standard for progressive Whites throughout the world. That was a tall order indeed, but in Germany's new chancellor it was met. In breadth of vision and depth of understanding, in commitment to the task at hand, in ability to accomplish it, and in willingness to be ruthless when necessary, Hitler stood far above every other political leader of the time -- indeed, of any time in the Modern Age. He was the man to free the race and lead it once again to the upward path. He began in Germany: within months he had cleaned out the Communists, who had been on the verge of taking over the country during the administration of his democratic predecessors. The democrats had been at a loss as to how to cope with the Reds, but Hitler did such a thorough job on them that for the next 12 years the international Communist apparatus considered an undercover assignment to Germany tantamount to a death sentence. Then he dealt with the Jews -- not by putting them into gas chambers as the popular mythology has it, but by freeing the German press, the German film industry, German radio, and the German educational establishment from their control and influence. The Jews in Germany prior to 1933 had followed their age-old pattern: shunning the manual occupations and creative work generally, they had established a strong beachhead in trade; from there they had begun infiltrating the professions. By 1933 nearly half of the lawyers in Berlin were Jews (1879 of 3890 lawyers), and disproportions of similar magnitude were being established in the medical and teaching professions. It was in the professions offering an opportunity to influence public opinion and shift cultural norms that Jews had sought and gained the strongest hold, however. They owned or controlled Germany's largest and most influential newspapers, such as the Berliner Tageblatt, the Vossische Zeitung, and the Frankfurter Zeitung. The Jewish Ullstein publishing conglomerate owned, in addition to the Vossische Zeitung, the Berliner Morgenpost (circulation 607,000), the Berliner Allgemeine Zeitung, B.Z. am Mittag, Das Tempo, the Montagspost, the Gruene Post (circulation 1,042,000), the Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung (circulation 1,603,000), and dozens of other newspapers and magazines. [5] Hitler changed all of that in a radical way. Within a very short time after he took office, a Jew could no more determine what films Germans would see or what subjects German students would study than an Arab can do the same for Jews in Israel today. Jews in Germany could, of course, continue to write for one another, educate one another, and entertain one another; and they could still engage in those occupations and professions, including merchandising, which did not provide them the means to impose their own spirituality, morality, or ideology on the German people. Such restrictions were intolerable to the
Jews, however. For them it was the whole cake or nothing, and from the
day Hitler took office they set their international machinery of disinformation
and coercion into motion against the new Germany. One of their first moves
was the imposition of an economic boycott. The word went out to Jewish
leaders in every country: no German goods could be sold, no German vessels
could be used for shipping, and no loans could be made to the German government
or to German businessmen. Gentiles who refused to comply with the boycott
were themselves to be boycotted.
The initial results were mixed: Germans retaliated by boycotting the large department stores in Germany, which were virtually a Jewish monopoly, taking their trade instead to the smaller shops owned by Germans; German businessmen who were engaged in international trade found that they could get by without foreign loans, if necessary, by turning to barter; and the boycott was far from airtight, with many international businessmen -- including some prominent Jews -- ignoring it altogether and continuing their trade and financial dealings with Germany as before.
ANAL declared a total economic and political war against Germany, and the propaganda tactics it used in that war immediately manifested all of the viciousness and brazenness of which the Jews were capable. The lies about conditions in Germany and the actions of the German government which Untermyer and others began disseminating as early as the summer of 1933, at a time when Jews were free to come and go in Germany, to use their wealth as they wished, or to leave and take it with them, gave a foretaste of the mendacious "gas chamber" propaganda which was to come later. Untermyer returned to New York on August 6 and announced the Jewish declaration of war against Germany in a radio speech that evening. The complete text of his speech appeared in the New York Times the following day. World Jewry's war against Germany, said Untermyer, is a "holy war ... a war that must be waged unremittingly until the black clouds of bigotry, race hatred, and fanaticism that have descended upon what was once Germany, but is now medieval Hitlerland, have been dispersed." Germany, he asserted, had been "converted from a nation of culture into a veritable hell of cruel and savage beasts." The only Jews who were in any danger in Germany in 1933 were those who were active in Communist subversion or some other criminal activity. Those who minded their own business (admittedly, always a difficult matter for Jews) were not molested, but the Jews who had manned the Communist Party apparat were forced to flee or face the likelihood of concentration camp. But Untermyer was hardly concerned with truth when he spoke of "the slaughter, starvation, and annihilation, by a country that has reverted to barbarism, of its own innocent and defenseless citizens without rhyme, reason, or excuse." He went on to claim that the Germans were herding the Jews of Germany into "vile concentration camps, starving and torturing them, murdering and beating them without cause and restoring to every other conceivable form of torture, inhuman beyond conception, until suicide has become the only means of escape, and all solely because they are or their remote ancestors were Jews, and all with the avowed object of exterminating them." Thus was born in Samuel Untermyer's fertile imagination the lie which, with much added embroidery, was to emerge 12 years later as the full-blown "Holocaust" hoax. In his August 6 speech he hinted so clearly at this future invention that one can hardly fail to suspect that the Zionists were already banking on the sympathy to be milked from future claims of six million gassed and cremated Jews: I have seen and talked with many of these terror-stricken refugees who have had the good fortune to escape over the border, though forced to leave their property behind them, and I want to say to you that nothing that has seeped through to you over the rigid censorship and lying propaganda that are at work to conceal and misrepresent the situation of the Jews in Germany begins to tell a fraction of the frightful story of fiendish torture, cruelty, and persecution that are being inflicted day by day upon these men, women, and children, or the terrors worse than death in which they are living. When the tale is told, as it will be some day ... the world will confront a picture so fearful in its barbarous cruelty that the hell of war and the alleged Belgian atrocities will pale into insignificance as compared to this devilishly, deliberately, and cold-bloodedly planned and already partially executed campaign for the extermination of a proud, gentle, loyal, law- abiding people who love and have shed their blood for their Fatherland, and to whom Germany owes in large part its prosperity and its great scientists, educators, lawyers, physicians, poets, musicians, diplomats, and philosophers, who are the backbone of its past cultural life. [7] But why dwell longer upon this revolting picture of the ravages wrought by these ingrates and beasts of prey, animated by the loathsome motives of race hatred, bigotry, and envy. For the Jews are the aristocrats of the world. From time immemorial they have been persecuted and have seen their persecutors come and go. They alone have survived. And so will history repeat itself, but that furnishes no reason why we should permit this reversion of a once great nation to the Dark Ages or fail to rescue these 600,000 [8] human souls from the tortures of hell, as we can with the aid of our Christian friends, if we have the will to act.Well, no one has ever accused the Jews of being modest. Clever, yes; avaricious, yes; vindictive, yes; but not modest and not truthful. Nevertheless, Untermyer was quite forthright in stating the Jews' aim. It was to "undermine the Hitler regime and bring the German people to their senses by destroying their export trade on which their very existence depends." He also stated the Jews' demands on "our Christian friends" plainly enough: Each of you, Jew and Gentile alike, who has not already enlisted in this sacred war should do so now and here. It is not sufficient that you buy no goods made in Germany. You must refuse to deal with any merchant or shopkeeper who sells any German-made goods or who patronizes German ships or shipping. To our shame be it said that there are a few Jews among us, but fortunately only a few, so wanting in dignity and self-respect that they are willing to travel on German ships where they are despised and meet with the just contempt of the servants who wait on them and of their fellow passengers. Their names should be heralded far and wide. They are traitors to their race.Economic warfare is warfare, and a declaration of economic war is a declaration of war. Throughout history a deliberate act or policy by one nation intended to injure the economic welfare of another has been regarded as a casus belli, justifying a warlike response assuredly as does a territorial invasion. The Jewish boycott policy was certainly deliberate, and it was certainly intended to injure Germany. As ANAL's propaganda intensified and began to take hold, the boycott became more of a problem for Germany. The German response was remarkably restrained, however. Instead of lashing out at the Jews, Hitler's government increased its effort to blunt the boycott by achieving economic autarchy. Foreign journalists and writers were also invited to Germany, so that they could, by reporting the truth to their readers back home, counter the lies being spread by Untermyer and company. A few did this. H.G. Wells, for example, reported that Jews were not being mistreated in Germany and that impressions to the contrary in England, the United States, and elsewhere were entirely due to the "incessant propaganda of the world's most charming but incurably nationalistic race." Several widely read periodicals, such as the National Geographic Magazine, also reported truthfully on conditions in Germany. [10] And, of course, the 1936 Olympic Games, which were held in Berlin, gave tens of thousands of American tourists and sports enthusiasts an opportunity to visit Germany and witness the truth for themselves. Even some Jews found good in what Hitler was doing in Germany, although they would not praise him openly. They were mostly Zionists of the Jabotinsky stripe, who welcomed the barriers to cultural assimilation and intermarriage erected by the National Socialists. It would be good for their fellow Jews, they said to one another, to follow the German example and assert their own Jewish nationalism proudly and openly, instead of preaching internationalism to the Gentiles while practicing Jewish nationalism quietly among themselves; the Jews could only be accepted as equals when they dropped their deceitful approach to other peoples. The same Zionists also advocated the formation or Jewish gymnastic clubs to encourage physical fitness among young Jews, and they urged Jewish parents to steer their children toward careers in farming or handicrafts instead of the traditional law, trade, or finance. Needless to say, such Jews were a very small minority; most chimed in with Untermyer, spewing hate-inspired slander against all things German. All Zionists, however, whether Revisionists or in the mainstream, and whether they secretly admired Hitler's policies or not, realized that what was happening in Germany was necessary for the achievement of their goal of a Jewish Palestine. Hitler was making Germany a thoroughly inhospitable country for the Jews, forcing them to set up shop elsewhere. Jewish immigration to Palestine consequently skyrocketed, reaching a new record of 61,854 for the year 1935. The Jews' duplicity in their prewar anti-German propaganda is perhaps nowhere better revealed than in the fact that while they wailing about the need to wage war "unremittingly" against "medieval Hitlerland" -- a "sacred war," in fact -- the same Jews were busily committing sacrilege by breaking their own boycott against Germany. From 1933 through 1939 the Zionists secretly promoted a flourishing trade in agricultural equipment between Germany and the Jewish settlements in Palestine. Germany exported manufactured goods to Palestine -- 37 million marks worth in 1937 alone -- and was paid in Jewish gold. [11] The same duplicity later was reflected
in the efforts in 1941, in the midst of the war between Germany and Britain
which had been provoked largely by Jews, of Jabotinsky's Revisionists to
negotiate an alliance with the Germans against the British forces in Palestine.
These efforts, just like the trade between Germany and the Jews in Palestine,
were strictly under the table, and they had no effect on the Jewish propaganda
effort against Germany. They do illustrate the point, however, that Jewish
leaders were playing a much more complex game than was evident to most
observers in the 1930's and 1940's. They wanted to destroy Germany, which
they regarded as a deadly threat to Jewish ambitions of world rule, but
at the same time they welcomed the effects on their fellow Jews of German
policies, and they were not averse to secret collaboration with the Germans
whenever that seemed to offer some advantage.
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