
[1] Strabo (Greek geographer and historian, ca. 63 B.C. -- ca. 24 A.D.), Geographica.

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[2] Marcus Tullius Cicero, Oratio pro L. Flacco. In 59 B.C. Cicero defended the proconsul Flaccus, who, at the urging of Jews, was accused of corruption in connection with his administrative activity in Syria.

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[3] Three figures prominent in German politics in 1923: the German Chancellor, the Bavarian Minister of the Interior, and the founder and leader of the Bavarian People's Party, respectively. [Translator]

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[4] James K. Hosmer, The Jews (New York, 1885), p. 272. [Translator]

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[5] In the translation from the Hebrew of Exodus 12:38, that word which is rendered in the King James version as "mixed multitude" appears in the German Bible as "Pöbelvolk," meaning "rabble." [Translator]

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[6] In volume two, chapter 16 (page 384 of the 1783 London edition) of his History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Edward Gibbon reports:

"From the reign of Nero to that of Antoninus Pius, the Jews discovered a fierce impatience of the dominion of Rome, which repeatedly broke out in the most furious massacres and insurrections. Humanity is shocked at the recital of the horrid cruelties which they committed in the cities of Egypt, of Cyprus, and of Cyrene, where they dwelt in treacherous friendship with the unsuspecting natives.... In Cyrene they massacred 220,000 Greeks; in Cyprus, 240,000, in Egypt, a very great multitude. Many of these unhappy victims were sawed asunder, according to a precedent to which David had given the sanction of his example. The victorious Jews devoured the flesh, licked up the blood, and twisted the entrails like a girdle round their bodies." [Translator]

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[7] Heinrich Graetz, Geschichte der Juden von den ÄItesten Zeiten (Breslau, 1853).

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[8] September 2. Sedan was the site of the great Prussian victory in the Franco-Prussian war, on this day in 1870. [Translator]

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[9] "The rest of the Jews in the king's provinces had united to defend themselves; they took vengeance on their enemies by killing seventy-five thousand of those who hated them" (NEB Esther 9:16). On the origin of Purim (Feast of Lots), which falls in late February or early March, see Esther 9:24-26.

Purim is the most overtly anti-Gentile of the various Jewish festivals -- celebrated with ritual beatings and even crucifixions of Haman, the principal Gentile villain in the Book of Esther -- and accordingly Baruch Goldstein, in 1994, selected Purim as the appropriate "holy day" to slaughter 29 Muslims in Hebron's Ibrahimi Mosque. [Irmin]

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[10] Emperor William II of Germany, who abdicated in 1918 after the Marxist-Jewish revolution in Germany led to the crumbling of her war effort and the loss of World War I. [Translator]

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[11] Friedrich Delitzsch, Die Grosse Täuschung: Kritische Betrachfungen zu den alttestamentlichen Berichten über Israels Eindringen in Kanaan, Die Gottesoffenbarung vom Sinai, und die Wirksamkeit der Propheten (Stuttgart, 1920).

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[12] Otto Hauser, Geschichte des Judentums (Weimar, 1921), p. 251.

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[13] Hauser distinguishes "light" or "blond" men, or, as he says, men of noble race, from "dark" or "black" men of inferior race. Wherever he has occasion to mention a blond Jew in his book, he praises him to the sky. For my part, I have met some of the greatest rascals among blond Jews.

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[14] Werner Sombart, Die Juden und das Wirtschaftsleben (Leipzig, 1911), p. 356.

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[15] Against Napoleon Bonaparte, 1813-1815. [Translator]

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[16] Hauser, op. cit., p. 376.

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[17] Arthur Schopenhauer, Parerga und Paralipomena II p. 174.

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[18] Ludwig Börne (alias Löb Baruch), Briefe aus Paris (Hamburg, 1832); Heinrich (alias Chaim) Heine, Deutschland, ein Wintermärchen (1844).

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[19] Artur Brünn, Im Deutschen Reich (the periodical of the Central Association of German Citizens of Jewish Faith) 1913, No. 8.

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[20] Walther Rathenau, Berliner Kulturzentren, 1913. Rathenau was a Jewish war profiteer in World War I and later a minister in the Weimar government. He was executed by German patriots in 1922. [Translator]

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[21] A Jew-controlled, socialist government of Paris which lasted only from March 18 to May 27, 1871, but which was responsible for thousands of horribly atrocious murders during this brief period. [Translator]

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[22] M.J. Wodeslowsky, Jewish World, January 1, 1909.

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[23] Joseph Cohen, Jewish World, November 4, 1913.

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[24] Jewish Chronicle, December 10, 1911.

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[25] Sombart, op. cit., pp. 32-33.

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[26] Jesus was, of course, Jewish by birth. But there are in fact ancient documents that suggest otherwise, such as a spurious letter purportedly by a contemporary of Pontius Pilate, the Epistle of Publius Lentulus, which describes Jesus as blond and blue-eyed. Eckart is relying on this tradition of the Aryan Christ.

Cf. Alfred Rosenberg, Myth of the Twentieth Century, trans. Vivian Bird (Newport Beach, CA: Noontide Press, 1982), p. 397: "There is no proof for the often-made claim that Jesus was a Jew. Indeed, there is much to show for the contrary. Jesus possibly was Aryan, or partially so, showing the Nordic type strongly. Let us look at Die historische Persönlichkeit Jesu (Munich, 1924). It reports that, according to the Syrian-Christian preacher Ephraem (fourth century A.D.), Jesus had a Danaite woman, that is, someone born in Dan, for a mother and a Latin as a father. Ephraem sees nothing dishonorable in this, adding 'Jesus thus derived his ancestry from two of the greatest and most famous nations -- namely, from the Syrians on the maternal side and from the Romans on the paternal.' Ephraem presupposes the universal acknowledgement of this fact." [Irmin]

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[27] Ibid., p. 39.

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[28] Five years after Der Bolschewismus was written -- on June 2, 1928 -- an article appeared in Liberty magazine, by the former head of the United States Secret Service, William J. Flynn, detailing the previously secret intrigues of Wilson, Baruch, et al. in 1915 to engage the United States in the World War. But these treacherous proceedings pale into insignificance when compared to the activities of the Zionist Jews in 1916, following the negotiations between the British Government and world Jewry which led to the Balfour Declaration of 1917.

In a pamphlet published in London in March 1936 by the New Zion Press and entitled Great Britain, The Jews, and Palestine, Samuel Landman, the well-known Zionist, states that these negotiations led to a "quid pro quo contract" in which Jewry agreed to use its influence to bring America into the war on Britain's side in return for Britain's guarantee that Palestine would be handed over to the Jews. He says that, once the negotiations were complete, "the change in official and public opinion as reflected in the American press in favor of joining the Allies in the War was as gratifying as it was surprisingly rapid."

Eckart, of course, did not know the full story of these arrangements in 1923. [Translator]

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[29] Litman Rosenthal, American Jewish News, September 19, 1919. Rosenthal, writing in reminiscence of his attendance at the 1903 conference, blatantly lays bare the eager Jewish anticipation of a world war, eleven years before the fact. Nordau's speech continues "... let me tell you the following words as if I were showing you the rungs of a ladder leading upward and upward: Herzl, the Zionistic Congress, the English Uganda proposition, the future world war, the peace conference where with the help of England a free and Jewish Palestine will be created." [Translator]

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[30] Hauser, op. cit., pp. 484, 491.

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[31] Martin Luther, Von den Juden und ihren Lügen. Luther's words are more poetic in German: "Du bist nicht ein Deutscher, sondern ein Täuscher; nicht ein Welcher, sondern ein Fälscher." [Translator]

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[32] Sombart, op. cit., p. 371.

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[33] Immanuel Kant, Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht (Königsberg, 1798).

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[34] Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre; Goethe, Das Jahrmarktfest zu Plundersweile; Goethe, Tag- und Jahresfeste; ibid.

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[35] Benjamin Disraeli, Conningsby (London, 1844).

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[36] Otto Weininger, Geschlecht und Charakter (Vienna and Leipzig, 1903).

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[37] I.e., Berlin Advertiser, a Berlin Newspaper. [Translator]

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[38] Moritz Goldstein, Kunstwart, March, 1912.

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[39] One is reminded here of what has happened to Wagner in recent years. If Eckart could have foreseen how Wagner's immortal operas would be someday perverted at Bayreuth, he would have been far more distressed than he was over Jewish "interpretations" of Goethe's writing. [Translator]

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[40] Anacletus II (1130-1138), Innocent II (1130-1143), Calixtus III (1168-1178), Clement Vlll (1424-1428), Alexander Vl (1492-1503), and even Pius Xl (1922-1939). In addition, Gregory Vl (1045-1046) and others may have been Jews or part-Jews. Anacletus Il, Calixtus III, and Clement VIII are generally classified as antipopes. [Translator]

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[41] Giordano Bruno, Spacio della Bestis Trionfante (1584).

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[42] In his lecture in 1894, entitled Umpires of the Jewish Question.

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[43] In his farewell sermon in March, 1894.

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[44] Nahum Goldmann, the well-known Russian Jewish Zionist who also had the unbelievable audacity to announce that the Jews "no longer recognize the right of any country to consider the question of the treatment of its Jewish population as an internal affair."

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[45] Schopenhauer, loc. cit.

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[46] Heinrich Heine, in his poem "Disputation."

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[47] Martin Luther died in 1546. His two principal anti-Semitic writings, Von den Juden und ihren Lügen and Vom Schem Hamphoras, appeared in 1543. A philo-Semitic tract by him was written in 1523. The modern reader may refer to Walther Linden, Luthers Kampfschriften gegen das Judentum (Berlin, 1936), which contains the complete text of Von den Juden und ihren Lügen and extracts from Vom Schem Hamphoras; or to E.V. von Rudolf, Dr. Martin Luther Wider die Juden (Munich, 1940), which has extracts from both. [Translator]

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[48] Matthias Erzberger (1875-1922) was a left-wing member of the Catholic Center Party. A collaborator with the Jews and Social Democrats during World War I, he favored the Versailles Treaty and became German vice chancellor in 1919. He was executed for his treasonable activities by German patriots in 1921. [Translator]

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[49] Doris Wittner, Ostijudische Antlitz, No. 252 (1920).

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[50] The kab is an ancient Hebrew unit of measure equivalent to about two quarts. [Translator]

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[51] Talmud, Baba Mecia, 84a. It is interesting to note that recent editions of the Talmud replace the word "penis" (männliches Glied in German) with "waist" (Körperumfang in German). The 1933 Berlin edition translated by Lazarus Goldschmidt, for example, claims in a footnote to this passage that the appearance of mannliches Glied in earlier editions was due to a "mistake" in translation. One only needs, however, to read the material adjacent to this passage, with its distinctly smutty character, to see that the original translation was no "mistake." [Translator]

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[52] Talmud, Jabmuth, 606. The exact words of Goldschmidt's 1931 Berlin Edition of Jabmuth are: "Es wird gelehrt: R. Simon b. Johaj sagte: Eine Proselytin unter drei Jahren und einem Tage ist für Priester tauglich, denn es heisst: und alle Kinder unter den Weibern, die die Beiwohnung eines Mannes nicht erkannt haben, lass für euch leben..." [Translator]

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[53] Talmud, Hulin, 91b. One really must take the trouble to look into the Talmud oneself, in order to believe the truly astounding things to be found therein. We have referred to Goldschmidt's German translation, published by the Jüdischer Verlag (Berlin, 1930-1936), but the Talmud is also available in English (with the exception of a few of the more perverse passages) from the Soncino Press (London, 1935). [Translator]

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[54] Moses Mendelssohn (1729-1786) was a troll-like, hunchbacked, little Jew, originally a Talmudic scholar, who eventually displayed a vastly greater affinity for a fast buck than for the peculiar "wisdom" of the Talmud. Starting as a tutor in the house of a rich, Jewish silk merchant in Berlin, he soon became a partner in the business and amassed an enormous fortune. He was celebrated by his fellow Jews, as well as by a circle of Gentile admirers, however, as an extraordinarily pious and clever philosopher. [Translator]

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[55] Arthur Ruppin, Die Juden der Gegenwart (Berlin, 1904), p. 203 ff.

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[56] Luther, Von den Juden und ihren Lügen.

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[57] Hitler's actual views on the "Jewish spirit" were considerably more nuanced than Eckart's fictional dialogue suggests:

"We use the term 'Jewish race' as a matter of convenience, for in reality and from the genetic point of view there is no such thing as the Jewish race. There does, however, exist a community, to which, in fact, the term can be applied and the existence of which is admitted by the Jews themselves. It is the spiritually homogeneous group, to membership of which all Jews throughout the world deliberately adhere, regardless of their whereabouts and of their country of domicile; and it is this group of human beings to which we give the title Jewish race. It is not, mark you, a religious entity, although the Hebrew religion serves them as a pretext to present themselves as such; nor indeed is it even a collection of groups, united by the bonds of a common religion."

"The Jewish race is first and foremost an abstract race of the mind. It has its origins, admittedly, in the Hebrew religion, and that religion, too, has had a certain influence in molding its general characteristics; for all that, however, it is in no sense of the word a purely religious entity, for it accepts on equal terms both the most determined atheists and the most sincere, practising believers. To all this must be added the bond that has been forged by centuries of persecution -- though the Jews conveniently forget that it is they themselves who provoked these persecutions. Nor does Jewry possess the anthropological characteristics which would stamp them as a homogeneous race. It cannot, however, be denied that every Jew in the world has some drops of purely Jewish blood in him. Were this not so, it would be impossible to explain the presence of certain physical characteristics which are permanently common to all Jews from the ghetto of Warsaw to the bazaars of Morocco -- the offensive nose, the cruel vicious nostrils and so on."

"A race of the mind is something more solid, more durable than just a race, pure and simple. Transplant a German to the United States and you turn him into an American. But the Jew remains a Jew wherever he goes, a creature which no environment can assimilate. It is the characteristic make-up of his race which renders him impervious to the processes of assimilation. And there in a nutshell is the proof of the superiority of the mind over the flesh!" (Hitler-Bormann Documents, February 13, 1945) [Irmin]

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[58] Feodor Dostoevski, An Author's Diary, (1876-1880). Dostoevski spent five years in a Siberian prison camp at Omsk (1849-1854). [Translator]

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[59] Friedrich Ebert (1871-1925) was the Marxist leader of the Social Democrats. He collaborated with other traitors to bring about the German collapse of 1918 and became Reichspräsident under the new regime, in 1919. [Translator]

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[60] Kurt Eisner (1867-1919) was a Jewish journalist politician and Marxist leader in Bavaria. A principal organizer of the 1918 revolution (Dolchstoss), he became first president of the Bavarian republic. He was executed by a German patriot in 1919. [Translator]

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[61] The treaty of March 3, 1918, ending hostilities between Germany and Russia, was signed at Brest Litovsk. [Translator]

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[62] The Völkischer Beobachter was the official NSDAP newspaper, from December, 1920, on. [Translator]

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